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Request for Information: Technologies that Decarbonize Commercial Buildings - Due 12/7/21

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the General Services Administration (GSA) have issued a request for information (RFI) to identify technologies that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from commercial buildings.

The goal of this RFI is to support technologies and solutions that are ready for evaluation in occupied, operational buildings and have potential for equitable, widespread adoption in the U.S. marketplace.

This RFI covers three broad categories:

  • High-Performance/Low-Carbon Building Technologies and Solutions: Technologies of interest include electrification of major building loads; larger scale and integrated heat pump systems, retrofit heat recovery systems, electrification of major loads, and building envelope retrofits.

  • Onsite Energy Generation and Storage Systems: Technologies of interest include building-integrated photovoltaics, high-efficiency PV, solutions to better integrate PV and storage into building management systems, solar and geothermal, on-site distributed wind, and hydrogen fuel cells.

  • Carbon Reducing or Capture: Technologies of interest include on-site carbon capture for fuel-fired processes and technologies that use next-generation, low, or no global warming potential refrigerants.

Register for the informational webinar on November 10 at 1 p.m. ET.

Submit your proposals by December 7 at 5 p.m. ET and send your questions to

Grant Management Associates has experience working with the DOE. Contact Us today to schedule a consultation for this funding opportunity or others.

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