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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Winter

Coming Soon: EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Zero Emission Technologies Grant Program.

Opportunity Title:

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Zero Emission Technologies Grant Program


The GGRF will make funding available on a competitive basis for financial and technical assistance for projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of air pollution, with a particular emphasis on projects in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The overarching objectives of the GGRF are to (1) reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants; (2) deliver benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities; and (3) mobilize financing and private capital to stimulate additional deployment of greenhouse gas and air pollution reducing projects. The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund will be implemented via two programs: 1) The $7 billion Zero-Emissions Technologies Program, which will award $7 billion in competitive grants to implement Clean Air Act Section 134 (a)(1), and 2) The $19.97 billion General Assistance and Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Program, which will award $19.97 billion in competitive grants to implement Clean Air Act Section 134(a)(2) and Section 134(a)(3). This assistance listing (66.959) describes the $7 billion Zero-Emissions Technologies Program. A related assistance listing (66.957) describes the $19.97 billion General Assistance and Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Program. The Zero-Emissions Technologies Program will prioritize residential and community solar projects, as well as storage technologies and upgrades related to these projects.


States, Tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible recipients, as those terms are defined in the Clean Air Act, are eligible for grants from this competition.

Total Amount Available:


Application Deadline:

EPA anticipates announcing the competition early Summer 2023. The deadline for submission of applications, anticipated selections and anticipated award dates will be communicated in the NOFO.

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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