Applications due by July 1st
The DOE is renewing their funding for Tribal Renewable Energy grants, as well as Tribal energy resilience. $15M is allocated, with a cap of up to a $2M project per Tribe. Please note that this is a 50% grant and the funds for the other 50% can come from Tribal cash, loan, or WattHub can bring in a tax equity company to provide a per kWh rate for you.
GMA has great expertise with these grants, so if you have a relationship with a Tribe, let’s schedule a conference call or Zoom meeting to introduce this opportunity. WattHub can help Develop, Finance, and have the system installed if needed. This grant may not come around again, so let’s go all in on our Tribal clients. What types of projects would work for this grant:
Community solar for Tribal buildings (can include Casino’s)
Community solar for Tribal residences
Solar + storage
Emergency battery backup for Tribal buildings
Energy efficiency; LED, HVAC efficiency upgrades, & solar thermal
Contact us today for more information.