The CDFI Fund is tentatively planning to open the FY 2021 application round in the summer of 2021 with more funding available in this round than any previous round.
July 27, 2020
The Capital Magnet Fund offers competitively awarded grants to finance affordable housing solutions and community revitalization efforts that benefit low-income people and communities nationwide. This is the real change that communities recognize. To date, the Capital Magnet Fund has:
Generated $20 of additional investment for every $1 of award funding.
Created over 13,000 affordable homes, including more than 11,500 rental housing units and more than 1,500 homeowner-occupied units.
If you are new to the Capital Magnet Fund or simply need a refresher, the Capital Magnet Fund team will hold a pre-application webinar for potential applicants on June 30, 2021. The webinar will provide an overview of the Capital Magnet Fund program and how applicants can prep for the round in advance by setting up the essential System for Award Management (SAM),, and Awards Management Information System (AMIS) accounts. View how to access the webinar and additional useful information below.
FY 2021 Pre-Application Webinar
Advance registration is not required to participate in the webinar. Please access the webinar, using the link provided below, at least five minutes prior to the beginning of the webinar. Requests for reasonable accommodations under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act should be directed to Jay Santiago at the CDFI Fund at 202-653-0300.
Viewing this webinar requires the use of WebEx. To download the Webex Meetings Desktop Application, please see the instructions on the WebEx Downloads webpage.
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)
Access Details:
Call-In: 1-888-469-0492
Webinar Access:
Conference Number: PWXW2213883
Audience Passcode: 1616079
First Steps to “Get Ready to Apply”
The below information has been previously released. As always, the CDFI Fund encourages you to thoroughly review the information provided on and in advance, as the CDFI Fund is not responsible for maintaining those systems and processes may change.
To successfully submit a Capital Magnet Fund funding application, your organization will need to have account access for several different federal government websites. You can act now to speed things up for your organization when the application period opens for the FY 2021 round.
Completing the following will ensure that you will be able to access required forms and information in,, and AMIS. Please note that while we have done our best to compile useful links to help you, the CDFI Fund is not responsible for maintaining links or the accuracy of the information on other organizations' websites.