Opportunity Title:
Request for Information (RFI) - Innovative Bioeconomy and Nature-based Solutions for New York's Climate Goals
The bioeconomy and nature-based solutions provide opportunities to decarbonize across all sectors, with benefits to the environment and resilience. This request for information requests input from those with novel approaches to significantly increase the scale of carbon sequestration, lower waste related methane emissions, and contribute to New York’s clean energy goals through low carbon products, energy conservation measures and net zero emissions energy. In addition to requesting information from potential applicants, this notice seeks input from other stakeholders that may include community representatives, local governments, federal funding agencies, private investors, and others seeking to provide input and in collaboration. Input may guide a forthcoming funding opportunity soliciting innovation teams to provide novel solutions that can result in a step change in climate impact through feasibility, demonstration and development of enabling technologies, business models and other strategies.
Responses Deadline:
August 30, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.