ORGANIZATION NAME: California Energy Commission
PROGRAM NAME: Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC)
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this solicitation is to fund the development of a California research hub that will help facilitate and accelerate the transformative electrification of California’s heavy-duty vehicle market in a targeted southern California region. The main objectives of the research hub include:
Demonstrating electric vehicle charging infrastructure that is designed to support heavy-duty battery-electric drayage truck operations at a wide range of power levels.
Integrating distributed energy resource technologies (such as PV and battery energy storage) that aim to minimize distribution grid upgrades, reduce impacts of high electricity demand, improve charging reliability and resiliency, and reduce the total cost of ownership to the fleet owners/operators.
Facilitating pilot demonstration supporting 50 to 100 heavy-duty battery-electric drayage trucks in operation.
Applicants will be required to provide 25% match funding.
Applicants are encouraged to begin planning of project concept, potential demonstration sites adjacent to the heaviest traveled freight corridors (e.g. I-710), and partnerships prior to the solicitation release.
This solicitation is anticipated for release on September 30, 2020.
AVAILABLE FUNDING $10,000,000.00