Deadline: June 1, 2021 at 1PM
Amount: Total: $36,000,000. Maximum awards: $30K-$100K cost-effective limits.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) is pleased to announce the availability of funds for the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (hereafter “CMP”). The CMP has played a significant role in incentivizing equipment owners to purchase cleaner-than-required engines, vehicles and equipment. This year marks South Coast AQMD’s 23rd year of CMP implementation. The CMP is intended to obtain “surplus” emission reductions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM10) and Reactive Organic Gases (ROG) from heavy-duty vehicles and other equipment operating in California as early and as cost-effectively as possible. The CMP provides financial incentives to equipment owners to repower, retrofit or replace in-use heavy-duty vehicles and equipment with cleaner-than-required engine and equipment technologies that will achieve emission reductions that are real, surplus, quantifiable and enforceable.
Project Topic Areas:
On-Road Projects
On-Road project types include vehicle replacement and repower/conversion projects. Applicants will be required to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including labor laws. Eligible on-road equipment include:
• Heavy-duty trucks with gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) > 14,000 lbs
• Transit vehicles
• Public agency and utility vehicles
• Emergency vehicles
Off-Road Projects
Off-road equipment includes propulsion engines greater than 25 horsepower. Replacement and repower/conversion projects should be a cleaner-emission certified engine meeting the current off-road emission standards. Retrofits must have a verified diesel emission control strategy. Portable equipment is not eligible for Carl Moyer Program funding. Eligible off-road equipment include:
• Construction & industrial equipment
• Agricultural tractors
• Marine engines
• Zero-emission cargo handling equipment
• Shore power projects surplus to CARB’s At-Berth Regulation
• Locomotive projects certified to Tier 4 standards or cleaner
Infrastructure Projects
Infrastructure projects that enable the deployment of near-zero and zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles and equipment to support the state’s air quality goals. Eligible infrastructure projects include:
• Battery charging stations
• Alternative fueling stations using renewable fuel source
• Other projects may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis