Opportunity Title:
Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program
The Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program was created to support the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Mission: Provide a safe and reliable transportation network that serves all people and respects the environment. The California Legislature passed, and Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1, Beall, Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) – The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, a transportation funding bill that provides a reliable fund source to maintain and integrate the State’s multi-modal transportation system. In addition to the $9.5 million in traditional State and federal grants, approximately $25 million in SB 1 funds for Sustainable Communities Grants is available for each grant cycle. The State-funded Sustainable Communities grants ($29.5 million) are intended to support and implement Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS) (where applicable) and to ultimately achieve the State’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of 40 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 2050, respectively. The State-funded Climate Adaptation Planning grants ($50 million) will support local and regional identification of transportation-related climate vulnerabilities through the development of climate adaptation plans, as well as project-level adaptation planning to identify adaptation projects and strategies for transportation infrastructure. The federal-funded Strategic Partnerships and Strategic Partnership Transit grants ($4.5 million) support Federal Planning Factors and address State highway/transit issues of regional, interregional, and/or statewide significance, in partnership with Caltrans. Eligible planning projects must have a transportation nexus per Article XIX Sections 2 and 3 of the California Constitution. Therefore, successful planning projects are expected to directly benefit the multi-modal transportation system. These grants will also improve public health, social equity, environmental justice, the environment, and provide other important community benefits. The period of grant fund availability spans over three FYs and approximately 27 months for grant project activities after the grant agreement is executed and Caltrans issues a Notice to Proceed. Refer to Chapter 8.2 for details regarding the anticipated grant project start and expiration dates.
Primary applicants must have statutory authority to conduct transportation/transit planning for their jurisdiction. Generally, the local and regional agencies and Native American Tribal Governments have this specific authority. Refer to the public entity’s bylaws to find this information.
Comments Deadline:
Comments are due November 4, 2022
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