Opportunity Title:
Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEM)
These procedures and criteria guide the evaluation and selection of projects under the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program. This program, as provided by California Streets and Highways Code Section 164.56 (Article XIX, Section 1, of the State Constitution), authorizes the legislature to allocate up to $7 million each fiscal year from the Highway Users Tax Account (Motor Vehicle Revenues, Section 2100). EEM projects must contribute to mitigation of the environmental effects of transportation facilities. The California Natural Resources Agency (Agency) prescribes procedures and criteria to evaluate grant project proposals and submits a list of projects recommended for funding to the California Transportation Commission (CTC). The CTC awards grants to projects from Agency’s list.
Local, state, and federal agencies and 501(c)(3) nonprofit entities may apply for and receive grants. The applicant entity is not required to be a transportation- or highway-related organization but must be able to demonstrate adequate charter or enabling authority to carry out the type of project proposed and be eligible for funding under Article XIX of the State Constitution. Partnerships are encouraged; however, a project proposal can only be submitted by one entity. For Development projects, only one project proposal may be submitted per eligible applicant. However, more than one project proposal may be submitted per eligible applicant for Acquisition projects.
Maximum Award:
Application Deadline:
June 3, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.