Opportunity Title:
Gun Violence Reduction Program
Opportunity Number:
The California Department of Justice hopes to provide California county Sheriff's Departments with grant money to help keep Californians safe by seizing firearms from persons who are prohibited from having them.
The Budget Act of 2021 makes available $5 million to be awarded in January 2023, by the California Department of Justice (Department) to support California county sheriff’s departments in conducting activities related to the seizure of weapons and ammunition from persons who are prohibited from possessing them, including efforts based upon entries in the Department’s Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS). Priority shall be given for the following:
· Counties with the highest per capita population of armed prohibited persons residing in the county;
· Counties that do not have a Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms field office within their boundaries;
· Proposals that include innovative techniques or approaches to prohibited persons investigations and seizures that differ from existing efforts by the Department, other law enforcement agencies, or other grant applicants;
· Proposals that include integration of prohibited persons investigations and seizure operations into existing patrol and investigatory functions;
· Proposals that demonstrate the greatest likelihood of firearm and ammunition seizures from persons who are prohibited from possessing them.
Public Agency
Any county sheriff’s department within the State of California that conducts activities related to the seizure of weapons and ammunition from persons who are prohibited from possessing them is eligible to receive funds.
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
September 2, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.