Reconnecting Communities - Capital Construction Grant Webinar
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is hosting a Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP) – Capital Construction Grant webinar.
This webinar will cover Capital Construction grant application requirements under the RCP discretionary grant program. Topics will include pre-requisites, eligibility, award and cost sharing information, and project readiness evaluation requirements related specifically to Capital Construction grant applications. DOT is hosting a separate webinar on Benefit Cost Analysis on August 30.
The RCP discretionary grant program is the first-ever program to help reconnect communities that were previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. Funding supports planning grants and capital construction grants, as well as technical assistance, to restore community connectivity through the removal, retrofit, mitigation, or replacement of eligible transportation infrastructure facilities.
This overview webinar is open to the public and targeted for individuals or entities interested in applying for a Capital Construction grant. Please see the RCP website for a link to the NOFO, Frequently Asked Questions, and more at:
DOT will be providing American Sign Language interpretation, closed caption transcription. If you need alternative formats or services due to a disability, please email If you would like to request live, Spanish-language translation services during this webinar, please email by August 12, 2022.
August 22, 2022 02:00 PM ET