FEMA will be selecting up to twenty communities for non-financial Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) in FY21.
Letters of Interest Due to FEMA 01/28/2022
BRIC DTA is for communities with a desire to increase their capacity and capability to conduct mitigation activities, increase resilience to natural hazards, need help identifying projects that will reduce risk, or need support developing or submitting a BRIC application.
The only requirement for applying is to submit an (up to) 2-page Letter of Interest that includes the following:
Community point of contact name, position, email, address, and phone number
Description of the community’s need for Direct Technical Assistance
Description of the community’s capacity to assist in the DTA activity, including committed staff
Objectives and timelines, including the duration of technical assistance
Eligible communities are cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and tribal governments, including both federally recognized tribal nations and non-federally recognized tribal governments. A hazard mitigation plan is not a pre-requisite for application.
More information can be found in the DTA Program Support Material on the BRIC website. If you have questions, please contact the BRIC DTA Team: FEMA-BRICDirectTechnicalAssistance@fema.dhs.gov.
2-page Letters of Interest are due at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on January 28, 2022 and can be submitted to FEMA-BRICDirectTechnicalAssistance@fema.dhs.gov.
FEMA looks forward to working with communities to expand mitigation through Direct Technical Assistance!