$60 million of competitively-awarded funding is available through the Regional Early Action Planning Grants program (REAP 2.0), and your organization may be eligible for it.
The REAP 2.0 team just released the Higher Impact Transformative allocation (HIT) Guidelines. HIT is a $30m pot of competitive REAP 2.0 funds available to MPOs, COGs, local governments, transit agencies, transit districts, and tribal entities. HIT will support innovative and transformative projects that are impactful and scalable and further the REAP 2.0 objectives. Successful projects will accelerate infill housing for all incomes, affirmatively further fair housing, and reduce vehicle miles traveled in order to improve place-based strategies that encourage community revitalization and advance the state’s ambitious housing and equity goals.
An additional $30 million of REAP 2.0 funding is available to Tribal entities and rural counties not within an MPO’s jurisdiction. This funding is available to accelerate housing production, facilitate compliance with the 6th cycle Housing Element cycle, and provide tribal and rural entities with tools and resources to help advance projects that meet REAP2.0 objectives. Proposed projects should advance infill development, affirmatively further fair housing, and reduce vehicle miles traveled through planning and investment, programs and plans that encourage multimodal communities, and strategies that increase transit ridership. You can find the REAP 2.0 Tribal/Rural Funding Allocation Guidelines here.
Both applications are due by 5:00pm on December 31, 2022.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.