California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Ventilation Program
The A&M Grants provide funding for LEAs (ebu) to perform assessments, assessment reports, general maintenance, adjustments of ventilation rates, filter replacements, and carbon dioxide monitor installation (bbu) in schools (ebu). An additional 20 percent of the requested amount is provided for repairs, upgrades, or replacements necessary to make the HVAC systems functional or more energy efficient. (bbu)
The U&R Grants are offered to sites that complete an A&M Grant project in the HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway or Limited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway and provide funding for repairs, upgrades, and replacements in excess of the additional 20 percent awarded.
Focus on Disadvantaged areas.
Eligible Applicants California LEAs are the eligible applicants for grants. An LEA is defined as any of the following: a. A school district as defined in Section 41302.5 of the Education Code, which includes:
1. County boards of education.
2. County superintendents of schools.
3. Direct elementary and secondary level instructional services provided by the state.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience in helping applicants apply for opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.