Opportunity Title:
Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles Project (EnergIIZE)
In April 2021, the California Energy Commission (CEC) announced that $50 million in Clean Transportation Program funding would be awarded to CALSTART for the deployment of a zeroemission (ZE) medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) electric and hydrogen infrastructure incentive project. Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles (EnergIIZE) was created to address the needs of MD/HD zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) in California through financial incentives towards the purchase of infrastructure equipment, network and software costs. EnergIIZE maintains an equitable approach towards all Applicants and their needs and will contribute to improved community health by reducing air pollution and harmful diesel emissions, while helping commercial fleets and industry partners meet State climate goals. EnergIIZE is implemented through support provided by a CEC block grant awarded to CALSTART via a competitive grant solicitation process. While CALSTART is the implementor of this project, EnergIIZE Staff also includes Tetra Tech, Inc. to aid with the application process and incentive processing, and GRID Alternatives provides advisory support for the equity focused project design.
4.1.1 A business, organization, or individual responsible for the operation of a MD/HD ZEV (vehicle class 2B and above) in the state of California and who will own and operate infrastructure to support their MD/HD vehicles.
4.1.2 A business, organization, or individual responsible for the engineering, construction, procurement, or site in the state of California which shall service MD/HD ZEVs Class 2B or above.
Entities stated above may not be the recipient of other active CEC grant funds in order to be eligible for EnergIIZE funds. Entities must own the infrastructure being installed and may not apply for projects including Charging or Infrastructure as a Service at this time.
Maximum Award:
EV Fast Track: $500,000
EV Jump Start: $750,000
Public Charging Station: $500,000
Hydrogen Fueling: $3,000,000
Anticipated Open Date:
September 1, 2022
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