Opportunity Title:
Washington Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) Program
Washington State Department of Commerce
The Washington State Department of Commerce opened a formula funding request for the State Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) Program on February 15, 2024. Approximately $77 million in funding from the Climate Commitment Act is available for local governments, Tribal governments, and Tribal supporting entities to provide rebates and incentives to households and small businesses, for the installation of high-efficiency electric equipment and appliances to help achieve Washington’s emissions reduction goals for the building sector.
HEAR grants will support statewide clean energy strategies that align with the 2021 State Energy Strategy and help leverage federal funding from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
Funding through this program focuses on providing grants to third-party administrators to provide rebate and incentive programs for high-efficiency electric equipment and appliances, with a focus on providing rebates and incentives to low- and moderate-income households and small businesses.
Non-Profit Organizations
Community Action Agencies
Housing Providers
Local Governments
Tribal Governments and Tribal supporting entities
Electric Utilities
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Anticipated Release March 2024
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