Opportunity Title:
Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment
Opportunity Number:
On July 12, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which will award $300,000–$13 million for projects that help communities design and deploy geothermal district heating and cooling systems, create related workforce training, and identify and address environmental justice concerns. The FOA will help expand community-scale geothermal by supporting new systems and developing case studies to be replicated throughout the country.
The FOA will support the formation of U.S.-based community coalitions that will develop, design, and install community geothermal heating and cooling systems that supply at least 25% of the heating and cooling load in communities. Eligible applications must demonstrate that switching to geothermal district heating and cooling system would result in greenhouse gas emission reductions for the community where the system is installed.
Widespread adoption of geothermal heating and cooling systems will help decarbonize the building and electricity sectors, reduce energy costs for families, and boost resilience. The FOA will also advance the objectives of DOE’s Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) to realize the potential of community-scale geothermal heating and cooling nationwide.
Individuals, Domestic Entities, Foreign Entities, Incorporated Consortia, Unincorporated Consortia
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
October 11, 2022
Webinar Information:
GTO will host an informational webinar on July 26, 2022, 12:00 p.m. ET to discuss the funding program and the areas of focus.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.