Opportunity Title:
Proof of Concept for Smart Sensors to Reduce Solid Waste
Opportunity Number:
Solid waste generated in the U. S. has nearly tripled since 1960, according to EPA data. Although recycling and composting are increasingly employed to keep waste from landfill, the U.S. still sends more to landfill each year and landfill space is limited. Source reduction is the most preferred method of waste management in the EPA’s Waste Management Hierarchy. Source reduction is also the most preferred method of waste management for the military (Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense. Memorandum. “Revision to the Department of Defense Integrated Solid Waste Management Metrics.” United States Army Regulations, March 16, 2020.), but there is no standard method to measure source reduction (DoDI 4715.23). Currently, Installations must report diversion, a measure of waste that is not landfilled or incinerated divided by all waste generated On-Post. In other words, diversion is the percentage of actual waste generated that is reused, donated, recycled, composted, or sent to a waste-to-energy facility. Source reduction is a measure of the amount of reduced waste generation. Diversion is a metric that does not include any source reduction.
Smart sensors would allow for consistent data collection of current trends in solid waste generation and disposal. The sensors would show changes over time. Initial data could be used as baseline data to measure changes over time, quantifying future source reduction.
Furthermore, visual feedback could be used to nudge the Post population to waste less.
This opportunity is restricted to non-federal partners of the South Florida – Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) and the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU).
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Application Deadline:
June 13, 2022
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