Opportunity Title:
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing
Opportunity Number:
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy intends to issue, on behalf of the Vehicle Technologies Office, a Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA-0002678 entitled Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Funding Opportunity Announcement. The Notice can be downloaded at https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/. The anticipated FOA supports the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law goals of delivering more clean energy, create new, good-paying jobs and lowering costs for American families and workers by guiding the Nation towards a one hundred percent carbon pollution-free electricity sector by 2035 and net-zero economy by 2050. The Vehicle Technologies Office funds a broad portfolio of research, development, demonstration, and deployment projects to develop affordable, efficient and clean transportation options to tackle the climate crisis and accelerate the development and widespread use of a variety of innovative transportation technologies. The FOA may seek applications for demonstration and commercial scale projects for processing lithium ion battery materials; and applications for demonstration and commercial scale projects for advanced lithium ion battery component manufacturing, advanced lithium ion battery manufacturing, and recycling.
The National Energy Technology Laboratory is ineligible to participate as a prime applicant or as a team member/sub-recipient on any application because of its role in developing the requirements for this announcement. The Idaho National Laboratory is ineligible to participate as a prime applicant or as a team member/sub-recipient on any application because of its role in developing the requirements for this announcement.
Individuals - U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents are eligible to apply for funding as a prime recipient or subrecipient.
Domestic Entities - The proposed prime recipient and subrecipients must be domestic entities. The following types of domestic entities are eligible to participate as a prime recipient or subrecipient of this FOA: 1. Institutions of higher education; 2. For-profit entities; 3. Non-profit entities; and 4. State, local, and Tribal Nations.
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
May 31, 2022
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