Opportunity Title:
Local Enforcement Agency Grant Program
California Public Resource Code (PRC) section 43230 authorizes CalRecycle to award grants to Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to carry out their solid waste facilities permit and inspection programs. These grants are awarded only to LEAs and regional LEAs that are certified by CalRecycle pursuant to Title 4, California Code of regulations (CCR), Chapter 5, Article 2.1 and LEA Certificate Requirements.
The program offers non-competitive grants to assist LEAs in implementing their solid waste facilities permit and inspection programs. Annual funding for this Program cannot exceed $1,500,000. Of this amount, $96,000 is allocated for CalRecycle’s LEA training and outreach activities; and the remaining $1,404,000 is distributed among grant applicants according to the Criteria and Process.
Pursuant to regulations (Title 14, CCR, Section 18090.2 LEA Grants), each eligible applicant receives a base grant of $15,000 plus an additional amount determined by the population of the LEA’s jurisdiction and the number of active, permitted solid waste facilities located within their jurisdiction.
Public Agency
These grants are awarded only to Local Enforcement Agencies (LEA) and regional LEAs that are certified by CalRecycle pursuant to Title 4, California Code of regulations (CCR), Chapter 5, Article 2.1 and LEA Certificate Requirements.
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
May 13, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.