Opportunity Title:
NAWCA 2023 US Small Grants
Opportunity Number:
The U.S. Small Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. Projects must involve only long-term protection, restoration, enhancement and/or establishment of wetland and associated upland habitats to benefit migratory birds. The program requires a 1:1 non-federal match and research funding is ineligible. This program supports the DOI and FWS mission of protecting and managing the nation's natural resources by collaborating with partners and stakeholders to conserve land and water and to expand outdoor recreation and access.
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Application Deadline:
October 13, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.