Opportunity Title:
Geothermal Resources’ Value in Implementing Decarbonization (GRID)
Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
Opportunity Number:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released the Geothermal Technologies Office’s (GTO) Geothermal Resources’ Value in Implementing Decarbonization (GRID) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), which seeks regional grid modeling studies that quantify the potential contribution of clean, firm geothermal power in supporting an equitable transition to a future decarbonized grid and economy.
The GTO GRID FOA aims to quantify the role of geothermal power in an equitable, decarbonized grid. This work will address the challenge of grid stability through detailed studies on how clean, firm geothermal power can support and stabilize the grid as it incorporates higher shares of variable renewable energy sources. Innovative valuation metrics developed under this FOA will provide a deeper understanding of geothermal energy's economic and reliability benefits, fostering informed decision making for future energy policies and investments, alongside research on supporting an equitable transition through geothermal deployment.
Informational Webinar
EERE will conduct one informational webinar during the FOA process, scheduled for September 16, 2024. It will be held after the initial FOA release but before the due date for Concept Papers. Attendance is not mandatory and will not positively or negatively impact the overall review of any applicant submissions. The webinar will be open to all applicants who wish to participate.
1. Foreign Entities
2. Domestic Entities:
Institutions of higher education
For-profit entities
Nonprofit entities
State and local governmental entities and federally recognized Indian
Tribes (Indian Tribes)
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
LOI Submission Due July 24, 2024
Applications Due September 09, 2024
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