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Writer's pictureCaroline Winter

EnergIIZE EV Jump Start Funding Lane opens July 19 and is due August 18.

Opportunity Title:

Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles Project (EnergIIZE) EV Jump Start Funding Lane


The purpose of establishing four funding lanes is to address the diverse array of potential Applicants, by giving each lane differing qualification criteria and incentive structures. Stakeholders across the ZEV industry may approach infrastructure planning from a variety of perspectives requiring various levels of technical assistance to complete their infrastructure project. Some Applicants may be commercial fleets with vehicle deliveries fast approaching, while others may just be starting their planning for ZEV infrastructure deployment. The four (4) funding lanes, detailed further below, are EV Fast Track, Hydrogen, EV Jump Start, and Public Charging. Regardless of funding lane, projects must be for MD/HD ZEV infrastructure only. EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles (Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero- Emission Commercial Vehicles) is the nation's first commercial vehicle fleet infrastructure incentive project. Funded by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program and implemented by CALSTART, EnergIIZE provides incentives for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure equipment for medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles operated and domiciled in California. EV Jump Start is one of four funding lanes under EnergIIZE. The application process is competitive and applications are scored on criteria demonstrating project readiness, cost effectiveness and community benefit. Commercial fleet users interested in deploying electric charging infrastructure for MD/HD electric vehicles may be eligible for up to $750k of funding per project.


A business, organization, or individual responsible for the operation of a MD/HD ZEV (vehicle class 2B and above) in the State of California who will own and operate infrastructure to support their MD/HD vehicles. A business, organization, or individual responsible for the engineering, construction, procurement, or site in the State of California which shall service MD/HD ZEVs Class 2B or above.

Maximum Award:


Application Deadline:

August 18, 2023

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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