Opportunity Title:
California Wildlife Program
Opportunity Number:
The BLM California Wildlife Program’s priority work includes:
Inventorying and monitoring priority wildlife species to inform populations and habitat trends at broad landscapes, with consistent methodologies and appropriate data management.
Inventory of priority wildlife species and habitats to inform distribution, condition, trend, and utilization of wildlife and special status plant resources to inform preparation of environmental impact statements (EIS's), environmental assessments (EA's), resource management plans (RMP's), activity plans, and certain resource management authorizations.
Identifying regional or landscape restoration opportunities that address or incorporate priority habitat desired outcomes, and/or address habitat connectivity (such as grassland, woodlands, dunes, deserts, riparian, and wetland areas) for priority wildlife populationsthat depend on BLM managed lands. Projects should support resiliency on the landscape, including seasonal habitats.
Assessing the success of actions, projects, and treatments in areas targeted for habitat conservation and restoration.
Increasing the percentage of Bureau Sensitive Species meeting or exceeding established objectives in Resource Management Plans or other conservation plans, including State Fish and Wildlife Agency Wildlife Action Plans.
Collaborating with state wildlife agencies to attain wildlife population goals for priority species, including recreational species, and identifying and managing for habitat connectivity, migrations, stopover habitats, critical water sources, refugia, etc.
Collaborate with State wildlife agencies to develop an inventory and status of wildlife infra- structure such as water developments, fencing, perches, enclosures, bat gates, etc., and addressing climate effect such as drought.
Collaborating with Tribal governments to develop management strategies for conserving wildlife resources on public lands.
Working with local governments, communities, private landowners, and conservation organizations to develop partnership opportunities, leverage resources, implement projects, and improve recreational access for hunting and fishing on public lands.
Developing and sharing science-based strategies for wildlife conservation through professional workshops, meeting, and work groups.
Evaluating existing decision support tools and information to enhance BLM's wildlife conservation activities to meet goals and objectives, with consideration of climate effects under different future scenarios. Results should be applicable for informing on the ground activities and identifying any gaps or questions to be addressed.
Coordinating and implementing wildlife related environmental education to stimulate public understanding of the BLM role in maintaining and enhancing viable populations of wildlife and wildlife habitat.
State governments, County governments, City or Township governments, Special district government, Independent school districts, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments, Public housing authorities, Nonprofits, Private institutions of higher education
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Application Deadline:
April 14, 2023
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