Opportunity Title:
Energy Efficiency and Clean Technology Training
Opportunity Number:
PON 3981
The New York State Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is seeking proposals for technical training, experiential learning, job placement, and supportive services that enable New York State to meet the requirements of a clean energy economy and advance the climate equity and just transition goals of New York’s Climate Act. The purpose of this solicitation is to strengthen the pipeline of skilled talent for the Energy Efficiency and Clean Technology labor market. Projects funded through this solicitation are intended to develop and/or deliver technical training, relevant education, and hands-on experience to ensure that both new and existing workers, apprentices, journeypersons, and students, as applicable, have the skills, experience, and qualifications required to meet industry demand.
Total funding for this solicitation is $7 million, distributed over the course of multiple rounds. It is anticipated that approximately $2.7 million of the funding will be reserved for training activities that support building electrification. Additional funds may be added at NYSERDA’s discretion, if available.
All training must be designed to meet the needs of clean energy companies within, or providing services to, the System Benefit Charge/Clean Energy Fund (SBC/CEF) territories. Trainees must be residents of New York State.
This solicitation uses a two-step application process consisting of a Concept Paper (required) followed by a Full Application (by invitation only).
Technical high schools
Community colleges and universities
Trade associations
Manufacturers, equipment suppliers, and distributors
Renewable energy project developers and owners
Firms and subcontractors that support engineering, procurement, construction operations and maintenance
Renewable energy development service providers
Training and job placement intermediaries
Community-based and non-for-profit organizations
Eligible training providers must have a demonstrated track record in energy-related training, job preparedness and/or placement. Preference will be given to projects that include or are led by Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) and/or Service-Disabled and Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOBs). Applicants may consist of individual entities or a team of Training Providers. Applicants are encouraged to partner with and/or demonstrate support from energy-related industry partners or companies.
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Submission Details:
Concept Papers are required as the first step in the application process. Concept Papers may be submitted until September 14, 2023. Full Proposals (by invitation only): accepted in funding rounds with the following due dates: Round 15 – October 27, 2022; Round 16 – January 5, 2023; Round 17 – March 9, 2023; Round 18 – May 11, 2023; Round 19 – July 13, 2023; Round 20 – September 14, 2023; Round 21 – November 16, 2023.
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.