Opportunity Title:
Participation in WIC Prevalence of Health Risks Associated with Maternal Mortality
Department of Agriculture
Food and Nutrition Service
Opportunity Number:
The goal of this RFA is to facilitate rigorous academic research into WIC’s relationship to this important public health concern. The grantee is expected to propose a robust academic subgrant program to investigate this relationship using existing secondary data, identifying and constructing novel data sets to further examine this relationship, and by supporting and growing a diverse academic community that is invested in sustaining research related to the relationship between WIC and maternal health outcomes. Subgrant program analyses will be required to examine the prevalence of these conditions by participation in WIC overall and by race, ethnicity, and age. The findings from this analysis will inform actions to improve maternal health in groups at highest risk for maternal morbidity and mortality.
Eligible entities are accredited public and private institutions of higher education (colleges/universities).
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
February 14, 2024
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