Opportunity Title:
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) - Clean Fuels & Products Shot: Supporting Carbon Utilization Products via Electrochemical Conversion and Refinery and Petrochemical Facilities Retrofitting
Department of Energy (DOE), Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM)
Opportunity Number:
DOE-FECM’s Carbon Conversion Program is developing technologies for converting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into environmentally responsible, equitable, and economically valuable products. The Carbon Conversion Program supports Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) across three broad conversion approaches: catalytic pathways, mineralization, and biological uptake. This FOA will support RD&D for the catalytic pathways approach, which focuses on the conversion of CO2 into value-added products such as fuels and chemicals, polymers, solid carbons, and syngas. Catalytic processes offer tremendous flexibility for end products, but require the addition of energy (whether chemical, thermal, or electrical).
This program will provide funding to support the Department’s Clean Fuels & Products Shots initiative, which was established to support the national goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 by developing the sustainable feedstocks and conversion technologies necessary to produce crucial fuels, materials, and carbon-based products that are better for the environment than current petroleum-derived components. It aims to meet projected 2050 net-zero emissions demands for 100 percent of aviation fuel; 50 percent of maritime, rail, and off-road fuel; and 50 percent of carbon-based chemicals by using sustainable carbon resources.
This FOA seeks applications to address carbon conversion challenges across two areas:
Topic Area 1: “Engineering-Scale Testing of Electrochemical Systems for the Conversion CO2 into Value-Added Products”
Topic Area 2: “Feasibility Studies for Retrofitting of Refineries and Petrochemical Facilities for Carbon Conversion”
1. Foreign Entities
2. Domestic Entities:
Institutions of higher education
For-profit entities
Nonprofit entities
State and local governmental entities
Indian Tribes
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Applications Due August 27, 2024
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