Opportunity Title:
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1
Consistent with NSF EPSCoR’s programmatic goals, the purpose of RII Track-1 is to provide support for sustainable improvements in a jurisdiction’s academic research infrastructure that lead to increased research capacity and competitiveness. Specifically, the program aims to improve jurisdictional capacity in areas of STEM research and education that are supported by NSF and aligned with the jurisdiction’s science and technology priorities. Successful RII Track-1 proposals should establish a vision for how the planned effort will substantively enhance the R&D competitiveness of the jurisdiction's colleges and universities, including its primarily undergraduate institutions, two-year institutions, and minority-serving institutions. However, a compelling vision alone is insufficient; successful proposals must also include detailed plans for how the vision will be realized by describing how the proposal’s stated goals and objectives will be fully achieved. Ultimately, the expectation is that the EPSCoR RII Track-1 project will improve a jurisdiction’s R&D competitiveness in the targeted area(s) at the national or regional level. This improved competitiveness is expected to lead to increased success in securing additional non-EPSCoR research support, more effective STEM education and workforce development opportunities that engage diverse audiences across the jurisdiction, and stronger partnerships at the individual and institutional levels both within the jurisdiction and beyond.
Proposals may only be submitted by the following:
Full proposals: Only jurisdictions that meet the EPSCoR eligibility criteria may submit proposals to the RII Track-1 competition. In addition, only eligible EPSCoR jurisdictions with current RII Track-1 awards that expire before October 1, 2023 and those without current RII Track-1 awards may compete in this RII Track-1 competition. The jurisdiction's EPSCoR steering committee must designate a fiscal agent/proposing organization as the responsible recipient for the RII Track-1 award. This must be the employing organization of the Project Director. The submitting jurisdiction must have in place a Science and Technology (S&T) Plan that has been officially accepted or approved within the past five (5) years to submit an RII Track-1 proposal. Additional requirements exist for jurisdictions that have become eligible for EPSCoR support after one or more years of ineligibility, as described in Section 1.B below.
Planning grants: Only jurisdictions that meet the EPSCoR eligibility criteria may submit planning grant proposals to the RII Track-1 competition. The planning grant option is available to eligible jurisdictions with current RII Track-1 awards that expire before October 1, 2024 and those without a current RII Track-1 award. Additional requirements are described in Section 1.C below.
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
Letter of Intent Due July 19, 2022
Full Application Due August 22, 2022
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.